It is described as surgical reshaping of nose structure. Nose is the most important limb in the middle of our face. This is why very minor changes on the nose reveal serious differences in overall appearance.

With the development of technology in recent years, various programs have been put into service of the health system. One group of these programs is the ones that try to show the difference between before and after by playing on 2D images. These operations can give you an idea in changes about the side view. It should not be forgotten that a person is not a photograph. Each play on the pictures may not be possible during surgery. Even if a very good result is achieved after the surgery, this results in frustration and disappointment in the patient. The main thing is not to play on the photograph but to reach the natural and beautiful appearance by paying attention to the limits that will not disturb the health of the patient.

Why to choose Safe Hands Health Solutions?

 About one million people in a year choose to go with medical tourism.
 Turkey is ranking number 3 in healthy tourism.
 We use the latest technology for Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment.
 We offer best price and finance options for Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment payments.
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(valid for patients travelling from abroad.)
Fast healing option for Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment.

How is Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment Done?

Closed or open nose surgery Treatment is done with two techniques: closed or open nose surgery. In open nose surgery, an incision is made in the middle lower part of the nose and this scar remains (though decreasing by time). Closed nose surgery is done from the inside of both nostrils and leaves no visible mark from the outside. In both techniques, all the aesthetic operations related to the nose can be performed. Which technique to use depends on the doctor.

At the same time, especially the anterior cartilaginous curvatures or meat growths leading to breathing problems can be eliminated. Nevertheless, all the obstructive masses in the nose cannot be removed including the aesthetic performance. Some additional processes may be required for.

Who Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment Is Applied To?

It can be applied to people with nose-related problems, preferably those who are 18 years of age.

After Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment …

There are two remaining tampons in the nose. Cloth or silicon perforated buffers can be used. The choice depends on the patient’s need. In any case, they do not cause any problems for the patient and they are very comfortable to take out. Bruising and swelling around the eyes may vary according to the person. They pass completely in a week. In fifteen to twenty days, he/she is completely free from bandages. The return to work life is much more earlier depending on the work done. It takes six months for the nose to be fully seated. In this period, it is essential to protect the nose from hits.

What are Rhinoplasty / Nose Aesthetics Treatment Prices?

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